
Hepatic ultrasound with Doppler in Madrid


What is a Hepatic Doppler ultrasound?

Doppler ultrasound is a safe noninvasive diagnostic procedure, and dependent browser that combines morphological study of vascular structures with hemodynamic study of blood flow.

Pay a deposit of 10,00 per item
Deposit of: 10,00
Medical center / Specialist: Centro Clínico Zurbano

What is a Doppler ultrasound?

There are several types of Doppler ultrasound in vascular surgery:

Venous eco-doppler: studies the permeability of venous structures and assesses the presence or absence of venous insufficiency in the lower extremities.
Arterial eco-doppler: studies the patency of the arteries of the extremities and is useful for the control of revascularization surgery.
Abdominal echo-Doppler: allows the measurement of the diameter of both the aorta and iliac arteries, for the diagnosis and control of aneurysms and also allows the study of their permeability.

Service amount

  • Reservation: 10.00 EUROS (included in the total amount).
  • Amount: 70.00 EUROS

Is included

Radiological study and report.

Conditions of service

The payment of the reservation allows access to the service described within a period of three months.
A medical prescription is necessary to carry out the test.


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Product Location

Calle De Zurbano 29, 28010 Madrid, Madrid, España
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